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February 2023 - Zume Life

Asbestos Removal in Maryland – What You Need to Know

If you’re in the market for asbestos removal in maryland, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll match you with top-rated pros who are certified to perform the job. Simply answer a few questions about your project and get quotes from multiple asbestos removal companies!

Can you remove carpet from asbestos tile?

Asbestos Testing – It is important to have a professional asbestos testing company that is licensed by the EPA and can accurately identify whether your materials contain asbestos. This will give you the peace of mind that your building is free of asbestos and allow you to make informed decisions about what to do next.

Protocol Development & Compliance – It is also very important to have the proper protocol developed and in compliance with local, state and federal laws. It will ensure that the property owner and workers are protected from any unnecessary liability.

Permits & Licenses – If you’re doing any work on friable asbestos (easily crumbled) in a building, you must obtain a license from the Maryland Department of Environmental Quality. You must complete a NESHAP application, submit an asbestos work notification/authorization form and pay the appropriate permit fee.

School System Asbestos – All school systems are required by law to have their asbestos materials identified and tracked. MDE also provides technical assistance and compliance inspections for these schools.

Maintenance Employees – If maintenance employees are doing any asbestos related projects in their buildings, they must complete an ASBESTOS WORK NOTIFICATION/AUTHORIZATION form and submit it to the Environmental Office. MDE verifies the submitted information and approves the work if it can be completed safely.

How to Install a Metal Garden Edging System

Formboss also creates custom rings made to size Creating a definitive yet unobtrusive border between lawn, beds, pathways and driveways. It’s also a great way to keep gardening materials like mulch or gravel from spreading around the edges of your yard and inhibiting grass growth.

What is the longest lasting edging?

Unlike wood and plastic, metal edging is incredibly durable and will last longer. Plus, it’s a great way to give your landscaping project a sleek and unified look.

Easy to Install

The first step to installing metal edging is digging a trench in which to bury the edging pieces. If the soil is soft, you can use a wood block to pound it to the desired depth.

Make sure your trench is narrow (no more than 10cm wide) and face the lawn so you can describe the line you need. Then, carefully set your edging pieces in place with at least half of them below ground for maximum stability and strength.

For added support, join three to four shaped pieces together using the smart connectors provided. Clamp the connectors in place before inserting a screw at the bottom of each. Back fill the area around the screw and tap down the edging to make your final height adjustments.

Once your edging is in place, it’s a good idea to check for any areas where the metal sticks out from the ground. If there are any that are not stable, simply scrape away some of the softer soil and replace it with the same amount of firmer soil. This will ensure that your edging stays stable and is not liable to fall out of place or flex when the ground is wet.