Wetpour Maintenance

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Wetpour Maintenance is a regular procedure to keep the safety surface clean and looking nice for youngsters to use. This helps the surface perform its function consistently and also prevents it becoming unclean or harmful to youngsters using it. The most important part of maintaining wet pour is brushing the surface to eliminate mud particles and natural matter that could cause the flooring to develop moss or algae. This is particularly important if the facility is located under lots of trees as this will likely affect how much sunlight reaches the area and can make surfaces grubby, dirty and tired looking over time.

Wetpour Maintenance: DIY Troubleshooting and Quick Fixes

If the rubber surfacing becomes damaged in some way, it can be repaired quickly and cheaply by adding a 15 mm layer of new rubber crumb surfacing over the existing one. This is known as a recap and should be carried out by a specialist rubber surfacing company. They will be able to advise you on the correct colour to add that will match with the existing surface.

Cold weather and freezing conditions can have a negative impact on the softness of wetpour and as a result, it may become hard over time. This can be rectified by using a top coat of new rubber material which will restore the softness and extend the lifespan of the safety surfacing. When carrying out a top coat of new rubber, it is important to ensure that boiling water is not used as this can damage the surface.

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